Have you ever heard of love languages? This concept became world-renowned following the release of the best selling book ‘The 5 Love Languages,’ authored by Gary Chapman. The book describes five emotional love languages individuals use to express affection to their partners. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and aligning with our partner’s love language to nurture a joyful and lasting relationship. This article provides a short overview of the attributes associated with these languages:

Words of Affirmation

Communicating love through words, also known as words of affirmation, includes various sub-languages, each offering a different way to express our affection. This language involves giving compliments, offering encouragement, and expressing appreciation. If your partner’s love language is words of affirmation, try incorporating these expressions into your interactions, whether spoken or written, such as through notes, love letters, or poems.

Quality Time

This love language involves both individuals giving undivided attention to one another. This entails being present in the moment, maintaining eye contact, actively listening, and conversing without succumbing to external distractions. To enhance the time spent with your partner, create a list of activities that foster genuine connection, such as leisurely walks, visits to art exhibitions, or cooking together. The specific activity is secondary; what matters most is providing each other with undivided attention.

Receiving Gifts

For individuals with the love language of receiving gifts, these items represent a tangible expression of love and thoughtfulness. The value lies not in the cost but in the sentiment behind the gift. Gifts can take various forms, including purchased, found, or handmade items. For instance, offering flowers or a piece of jewelry to your spouse can go a long way to expressing your affection.

Acts of Service

Acts of service involve fulfilling tasks for your partner according to their preferences. Those who value acts of service believe in the adage “Actions speak louder than words”. Expressing love through this language entails actively doing things to alleviate their burdens and offer support. This encompasses a range of tasks, from household chores to romantic gestures such as opening the door, picking them up, serving breakfast in bed, planning a vacation and so on.

Physical Touch

This love language encompasses gestures like holding hands, kissing, hugging, and sexual intimacy. It can be explicit or implicit, involving focused interaction or subtle touches like placing a hand on the shoulder. For those with this love language, pleasure isn’t limited to sexual intimacy. If your partner’s primary love language is physical touch, try to identify the specific touches that bring them pleasure. For instance, this could be back rubs, kisses upon entering and leaving, or fingers through their hair.


If you want to identify your love language, you can take the quiz here. Keep in mind that you might have two love languages, making you bilingual in love. Once you discover your love language and your partner’s, adjusting your communication and expressing your needs can lead to greater marital satisfaction and deeper intimacy, as Chapman suggests.


  • Chapman, G. (2024). The 5 love languages: The secret to love that last. Northfield Publishing.